Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sex, Sex and More Sex

You have to admit, the title got your attention. We got away for a few days to visit long-time friends who live on the Mississippi River -- in Ontario. The not really mighty Mississippi flows into the Ottawa River and our friends have a farm on a bend of the river.

These few days were glorious winter weather with cold mornings (-26c one day) and bright sunshine. Despite the wintry feeling Spring was in both the air and the lengthening daylight hours. The chickens,which don't lay eggs in the darkest days of the season, have got back into gear. The sheep have just begun to produce lambs after messing about with the ram back at the beginning of October.

The most amazing reminder of the coming season of new life was the sight of two wolves out on the ice one morning. At 7:00 am on one of the coldest days of the winter we were voyeurs from the kitchen window as the male and female did what God created them to do, which is "go forth and multiply". Hey, if they hadn't wanted us to watch they should have gone into the woods. Our friends said that they rarely saw wolves or coyotes and this amorous display was a first for them. I walked down to the water's edge to take this photo.

We citified folk are usually disconnected from these rhythms of life, both domestic and wild. The created order is remarkable in so many ways. Thank you God.

1 comment:

Lynnof60 said...

so much I could say....ah well...