Thursday, March 04, 2010

Truth and Reconciliation Continued

A couple of mornings ago CBC radio reported on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which has haltingly moved toward a meaningful dialogue with the aboriginal people of Canada who were harmed by the residential school system.

The report mentioned the children who went missing from those schools, hundreds and perhaps thousands who died while in the system and simply disappeared. It is difficult to know how many children perished and there appears to have been no attempt to keep records, nor to inform families. While governments have insisted that the claims of disappearances have been overblown, native families insist that their loved ones never came home again and were not accounted for. There are more serious allegations that many children were murdered and their deaths were deliberately covered up, although there is little if any evidence that this is true.

The CBC also mentioned that the United Church of Canada has assigned a researcher to examine records from our schools for any evidence that children died and were buried without reporting to families. It seems like a grim and unrewarding task but I am relieved we are taking this concern seriously. Surely it is the least we can do, as a matter of justice.

If you are interested in reading more about the United Church involvement in and response to aboriginal schools go to

What are your thoughts about the Truth and Reconciliation process? Are you supportive of the UCC's efforts to explore the past, whatever that might reveal?


Laurie said...

I am very glad that the United Church is exploring the past. I hope the Truth and Reconciliation process works. My people need answers and closure.

Laurie said...

Instead of my people it should read many people need answers.(Sentence check didn't work)
I do have a sister-in-law who went through the residental school system, it left many marks on her.

Anonymous said...

I think the past does need to be explored. The dead or lost can't speak for themselves.

Laura said...

Without a doubt, we need to acknowledge our part in the unimaginable pain we have caused, that continues still today for so many. We need to reconcile our involvement in such horrid treatment of people. Tough work, but nothing in comparison to the spiritual work of the victims and their families.

David Mundy said...

I hope that this will be a process that moves our nation toward greater honesty and healing. Thank you for your responses.