Friday, November 29, 2013

Repeated Thanks

Canadian Thanksgiving was seven weeks ago and now we are dominated by images and messages about American Thanksgiving. And I'm liking it! The message of gratitude, especially our recognition that everything in life is a gift of God, is one I need to hear repeatedly. It would probably be good to have a Thanksgiving once a month.

Here's a mealtime prayer shared by Brian McLaren for today that could be used anytime:

Let us give thanks for this meal, saying,
We thank you, Living God.
For this breath, for this heartbeat, for the gift of these companions,
we thank you, Living God.
For this nourishment and flavor, for soil and sunlight, air and rainfall,
for all to whom this food connects us,
from field to farm and store to table,
we thank you, Living God.
As we share this meal together,
may our thirst for peace be strengthened and our hunger for justice deepened,
until all are fed, and safe, and well.
We thank you, Living God. Amen.

 We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and Activation

If we could just convince our American neighbours to move their Thanksgiving to March....



roger said...

I was getting into the American Thanksgiving yesterday, and was feeling all thankful and everything - until I watched my Pittsburgh Steelers lose a heartbreaker in the last minute. But hey, at least the Toronto Maple Leafs got blown out a couple of days ago, so I can be thankful for that!

Laura said...

Beautiful prayer.....looks like a good book for a new year.