Saturday, September 14, 2024

When Weddings Get Personal


                                              Setting for Today's Family Wedding at Camp Timberlane 

I was in the "hatch, match, and dispatch" line of work for the better part of four decades and in retirement  I've happily stepped away from baptisms, weddings, and funerals, for the most part. In 7+ years of retirement I've presided at a couple of funerals and zero weddings -- until today. Our younger daughter, Emily, asked me if I would preside at her wedding ceremony and since I still have my license --just call me 0069 -- I accepted the honour. 

I did so with some trepidation because I tend to get blubbery at these occasions, as witnessed at the weddings of our other two children, and it's helpful to have a minister who sheds fewer tears than the bride.

Our planning has revealed that I prefer more religionin the service than Emily and Brad and they want less than the aged Pere. Both grew up in Christian homes and are open to the spiritual aspect, we just approach this differently. In high level negotiations we have reached a compromise and I am confident that today will be lovely in every way. 

The choice of many couples to go with an Officiant rather than Pastor/Priest is a sign of the secular times.  I've written about the reality that few weddings happen in churches anymore and who wants a minister who may insist on being 'ligious about it all? Most clergy I know are relieved not to be asked to compromise their spiritual convictions. 

Today's ceremony will take place outdoors, the Creator willing, with about 160 guests -- a biggy. And while we covet your prayers for wedding, as you can see I wrote this blog in advance and we have already expressed our gratitude for the forecast! 


Dianne said...

Congratulations to Emily and Brad. And good luck Rev-Dad! I am sure Ruth has packed plenty of tissues. What a great day for your family!

Judy said...

Many blessings are wished for the couple and for you, too, David, as you preside over your daughter's wedding. Always a joyous occasion !

roger said...

Hope it was a great wedding and that you kept it together, David. I have images of you sobbing your way through the vows, with everyone in attendance exchanging worried looks until someone comes up and grabs you by the shoulders and slaps you in the face.