Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Song of Faith

This week I'm going to continue the Earth Sunday/Creation Care theme.
Last year the United Church adopted a statement of faith to supplement those that already exist. I like this portion which addresses our belief and trust in the Creator.

Excerpt from A Song of Faith
A new statement of faith UCC 2006

God is creative and self-giving,
generously moving
in all the near and distant corners of the universe.
Nothing exists that does not find its source in God.
Our first response to God’s providence is gratitude.
We sing thanksgiving.

Finding ourselves in a world of beauty and mystery,
of living things, diverse and interdependent,
of complex patterns of growth and evolution,
of subatomic particles and cosmic swirls,
we sing of God the Creator,
the Maker and Source of all that is.

Each part of creation reveals unique aspects of God the Creator,
who is both in creation and beyond it.
All parts of creation, animate and inanimate, are related.
All creation is good.
We sing of the Creator,
who made humans to live and move
and have their being in God.

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