Thursday, May 31, 2007

Creation Story

A new, 27 million dollar museum has opened in Kentucky to support the notion of a literal six day creation. In the exhibits dinosaurs and children co-exist and there is a depiction of Adam and Eve as the first couple.

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, which affirms God as creator, redeemer and sustainer. I certainly believe in a God who brought all things into being and continues the work of creation. I'm just not a Creationist. While the opening chapters of Genesis are essential reading for Christians, the story of a six-day creation doesn't need to be read as a science text book. I figure God could be wonderfully, creatively at work through the long process of evolution and even allow for chance.

Apparently half of Americans hold that the Earth and its creatures were created "as is" despite what science teaches. Francis Collins is a key figure in the humans genome project. He is able to reconcile his deep Christian faith with the marvellous complexity of the evolutionary process. I'm with Collins. I want to align my admittedly limited imagination with the imagination of the triune God.

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