Monday, May 12, 2008

Wedding Celebration

Rebekah, Isaac & siblings (click for larger image)

It was twenty six years ago next month that I sped through the night from our outport home in Newfoundland toward the hospital in Gander. My wife Ruth was already there, about to give birth to our first-born child. I had been sent home only hours before because she was supposedly in false labour. That incorrect diagnosis meant that I had to hurry back seventy five kilometres in order to witness our son, Isaac, come into the world. I remember that night vividly with its mixture of elation and trepidation as I realized that I was a father.

On Saturday those memories came back as Isaac was married to the beautiful Rebekah in Montreal. Although Ruth and I escorted Isaac down the aisle I immediately moved to the role of presider for the service. There were three clergy involved, including his French-speaking pastor and the principal of the McGill theological college. The service was conducted in both official languages because many of their friends are Francophones and Ike and Becky are bilingual.

There were three readers and Isaac's grandmother read a portion of the biblical story of the meeting of Isaac and Rebekah. Three musicians took part at various times, offering a variety of styles of music. Everyone was splendid in what they offered, although one of the ministers was a little unprofessional when the emotion of the moment overcame him and his attempts to hold back the tears failed miserably. Guess who.

The service on a lovely Spring day was a wonderful celebration of commitment and God's presence in the company of family and friends. The couple beamed at each other during the ceremony. At the conclusion the violinist and two guitarists played jigs and reels which quickly had the congregation clapping and tapping.

For me it was a moment of happiness which rivalled Isaac's birth.


  1. Sounds like it was a beautiful ceremony and day. Congratulations to all. You have reminded me to hang onto those treasured moments as we all know our children grow so quickly. We can be proud of them. Cheers to all.

  2. .."that pastor's" tears remind me of a favourite reading on "grace"...I believe it is by Bueccner (sp?)..trying to decribe the undescribable...but he comes close in his decription of grace being tears ( and a good night sleep)...sounds like your tears were pure grace.
    Congratulations on this milestone for your family ...
