Saturday, January 31, 2009

There's Probably a God continued

Today in the Globe and Mail newspaper there was a large ad from the United Church's Wondercafe picking up on the atheist/agnostic bus ads. Clever.


Laura said...

bravo Wonder brought a smile to my Saturday morning.. I still don't like the "worry" approach the Humanists have focused on,though as others have seems conversation has been stimulated.Has me thinking,as we believers have all been brushed with that ulta conservative Christian outlook of worry over God's wrath other religions, like Islam, too often get mis- represented.Doesn't feel so good, for sure, being on the receiving end. Looking forward to a read through the Observer which arrived Friday with a cover story on athiesm. Thanks David for the thought provoking vehicle...your blog provides.

David Mundy said...

Having a garburator for a brain can come in handy at times.