Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gentle November

Is it my imagination or is the army of people who were yikkin' and yakkin' about a crummy summer not so vocal about the amazing extension of balmy fall weather. We have already established together that we like the change of seasons, yet these days in "the teens" are a gift in many ways. Too bad people aren't more grateful although I suppose we are distracted by the 'flu.

There is still a great variety of waterfowl in our ponds and lakes and we have seen some unlikely hang-arounds in recent days such as a grasshopper and a monarch butterfly.

And in our own yard there are a few flowers, pictured above, which have decided it ain't over 'til it's over.

Thank God for gentle November days.


  1. Oh sure it's nice to go out with a sweater and not freeze, but come on, let's get some snow! I wanna go cross country skiing....and soon! Oh, and snowball fights with my daughter - although she's getting better each year. I don't like my chances this year...

  2. I'll take a few more days of the kids hanging out on the monkey bars after school...lots of time for snow angels, from my vantage point anyway.

  3. Let's compromise. Two more weeks of this, then bring on the snow and the cross-country skiiing.

  4. I really like this weather, don't like your compromise. How about a month longer of this, one week of snow then spring can begin!

  5. Now that's just wishful thinking!
