Monday, February 08, 2010

Where Has the Time Gone?

When I log on to write a new blog entry I see the running tally of all the blogs I have written. This is number 900, which surprises me. I seem to remember telling you when I got to 600, and that was just a couple of days ago! I didn't blog during a portion of my restorative leave, in part because I was in a fairly isolated location where I barely had phone service, let alone internet access. In the earlier days, back in the Fall of 2006, I managed two or three blogs a week, and worked up a sweat creating that many. Yet here we are at 900.

As I have told you along the way, I try to restrict myself to twenty minutes per blog entry in my attempt to be a conscientious steward of my time. Still, that means a minimum of 300 hours of writing or nearly thirteen twenty-four days.

Along the way I have learned how to post in advance so the blog is there most days even if you are an early bird. And I have discovered how to get images for just about every subject. I rarely miss now because I have learned to jot down the stories, personal and otherwise, that intrigue me.
Fortunately blogging rarely seems like a task -- I enjoy the mental and creative exercise. My discovery during these past three and a half years is that I am already looking at the world through the eyes of my Christian faith, so why not write about it? Like my personal journal, which I write each day, this is a discipline, but a positive one. I have also learned that many of you are thoughtful, faithful observers of your world, and some of you are willing to share your insights with others. From my perspective the comments are as important as the blog entries themselves. Many of you feel the same way, even those of you who don't comment.

I hope the blog continues to meet a need. Thanks for reading and participating. Are there subjects you would like to see addressed? Are there ways the blog could be more interactive?


  1. I think if anything, we should be thanking you, David, for this service. It definitely goes above and beyond the call, and I'm glad that you're able to derive some personal/spiritual gain from it.

    Keep it up, and no suggestions! You run the gamut all on your own.

  2. What IanD said. Thanks for the blog, it always makes me think. Sometimes makes me mad, sometimes makes me smile, but always has something to make me think.

  3. Thanks for the feedback from both of you.
