If you take a look at the St. Paul's website front page you will see a recent link to a new-to-me online resource called Pray As You Go. http://www.pray-as-you-go.org/ Our son Isaac put us on to this, and we have both been attempting to make it part of our routine.
When you connect you will find a calendar, and by simply clicking on the date you will hear a meditation/prayer resource for that day. You can also download a week's worth of prayer times to an MP3 player so that you can "pray as you go." These guided meditations are about ten minutes long on average, and include music, scripture, and an invitation into prayer. They are very much in the Ignatian prayer tradition, which is a change of pace from United Church prayer with a lot of talking.
I invite you to listen to at least one, to make some space in your life for this gentle invitation into God's presence. Perhaps you can accept the challenge to listen for a week straight. Often we need to do something a number of times to form a habit.
I will be interested to hear your reaction to the experience.
Thank you for this....I am heading out to Michigan in a few hours to look after - stay with - mediate - three teenager grandchildren over the Labour Day weekend! It took me 10 seconds to download Pray As You Go and I do believe it will come in handy. For those of us who have some difficulty praying (surely I'm not the only one?) a little help is gratefully accepted. I will keep you posted!
I know you're grandchildren are great, but a few moments of tranquil prayer can't hurt!
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