You might think that a dozen women in my living room talking about anger before worship would have me quaking in my boots. I was long gone before they arrived yesterday and I was actually glad they were there. My wife, Ruth, was leading the first of three sessions on Women and the Spirituality of Anger. Ruth is the outreach counsellor for Bethesda House, the local shelter for women and children leaving abusive relationships. She leads workshops on women and anger, but this was a first connecting women, anger and faith.
We still live in a culture where women are encouraged to suppress anger or label it as something else. And when women do get angry they tend to be criticized for doing so much more readily than men.
What is appropriate anger for women who are Christians, and men, for that matter? Ruth was impressed by the turnout and the willingness of the women to participate. She tells me that they are an insightful bunch, which doesn't surprise me.
Female or male, do you feel you handle anger appropriately, or does it handle you? Were you one of the participants in this group? Should we address anger and the life of faith more openly?