Friday, August 19, 2011

Flogging Christian Community

The life of every congregation requires money, just as every household depends on a certain amount of income and cash flow. Those of you with kids at home (and not at home!) realize that if you're not careful the pressure is for the outflow to exceed the income, especially if they have anything to say about it. It's the same for churches.For congregations there are three key sources of income: congregational offering, fundraising, and bequests. St. Paul's balances it books with a combination of all three. The fundraising is also a way to raise our congregational profile and have some fun.

Well, member Rich and his excellent team recently put the fun in fundraising with what is now our fourth annual golf tournament. A small army of golfers headed out onto the links on Wednesday to thrash their way through eighteen holes at the Newcastle Golf Club. That is part of the gang pictured above.

Fortunately we are children of a gracious and forgiving God, so golf course lies and evil thoughts were forgotten by the time the excellent dinner was completed at the church that evening.

Rich has been very good at emphasizing fellowship at the tournament, but i the four year it has raised roughly $50,000. Well done. It's always important to keep in mind that fundraising in a congregation supports ministry in Christ's name.

Any comments about this year's tournament?


  1. I hear second hand that the day on the course is great fun...but I do know from experience that the fellowship (which crosses many communities, and generations) back at the church afterwards is lovely.
    From a volunteer's point of view, it just seems to better and better.
