Sunday afternoon was one of those "what hit me!' moments after a hectic morning. It was communion in worship, both choirs sang, lots of details to remember. Then we blessed animals, a lovely event but one which required me to move directly from one intense activity to another. From there I scurried to the basement where 15 or 16 Sunday School teachers and volunteers were eating lunch and preparing for the Fall. I spoke briefly to give some orientation to the church year, expressed appreciation then fired off to our fellowship room where another ten people were also eating lunch and strategizing in their roles as pastoral visitors. Again I spoke briefly, said thank you, and eventually went home.
Even though this meant I was running from 8:00 AM on, I finally stopped and assessed how fortunate we are to have the staff and committed laypeople who make our congregation what it is. Communion organizers and servers, choir members young and not so young, technical people on video, sound, and projection -- all doing an excellent job. While I attended the Sunday School and Pastoral visitor meetings, they were expertly coordinated by staff members Laura and Beth. Between the two groups more than twenty five people took time from their busy weeks to be at church for worship, then attend these meetings. Of course Doug and Allanah, our choir leaders, and Edna our custodian were on the job as well. Our office folk, Helen and Carol, were attending a conference for administrators and secretaries so they can continue to do their work effectively.
As we draw close to Thanksgiving I am very grateful for the paid staff of St. Paul's. But as those staff members we all know that this congregation simply will not flourish without those who find some place of Christian service (or two, or three.) It's easy to become fixated on what and who we don't have but really we are blessed.
Any comments or observations?
Let's not forget dutiful and energetic ministers who write meaningful and thought provoking blogs in addition to their dozens of other daily duties and challenges ...
Well said Ian.
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