Welcome to David Mundy's nearly-daily blog. David retired after 37 years as a United Church minister (2017)and has kept a journal for more than 39 years. This blog is more public but contains his personal musings and reflections on the world, through the lens of his Christian faith. Follow his Creation Blog, Groundling (groundlingearthyheavenly.blogspot.ca) and Mini Me blog (aka Twitter) @lionlambstp
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
What A Wonderful World
Are you aware that there is an environmental conference underway in Rio de Janiero marking the 20th anniversary of the international event which we hoped would help heal what aboriginal peoples call Turtle Island?. http://www.uncsd2012.org/about.html
Instead there has been a series of blah,blah, blah conferences where a lot of money is spent by delegates without any binding, planet-changing agreements. And during that time Canada has careened into the ditch when it comes to environmental policy and law. Bill C-38 took us several steps back toward a day when we just didn't care about balance in our ecosystems.
Enter St.Paul's member Janet with a link to a brief BBC promo video.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8WHKRzkCOY
From time to time Doug and the choir sneak this song into worship as an anthem. It is not overtly religious but it fits in celebrating a God of hope and the beauty of Creation. So we live and act in hope.
Does it lift your spirits? Thanks Janet!
Not much room for hopefulness I'm afraid.