Friday, November 22, 2013

Remembering C.S.Lewis

I remember where I was when John Fitzgerald was assassinated in Dallas Texas fifty years ago today. At the time I was not aware that renowned atheist Aldous Huxley died that day, nor did I know that Oxford don and Christian apologist Clive Staples "Jack" Lewis died on November 22nd, 1963. Neither death had much of an impact on a nine-year-old.

Some of you will know of C.S. Lewis because of his Narnia series of children's books and the films that eventually ensued. He also created a science fiction series, a couple of entertaining books called the Screwtape Letters, which are missives from a junior demon reflecting on evil and sin. Lewis's Surprised By Joy is a thoughtful spiritual autobiography which influenced me as a young man, and his A Grief Observed at a later stage of my spiritual development.

What do I appreciate most about Lewis? Well, the Inklings for one. This was an informal but regular creative gathering which included J.R.R Tolkien (also a Christian) and others to discuss their literary works in progress. They met in a pub named The Eagle and Child, or The Bird and Baby as they called it. In a day when many congregations are convening "beer and bible" chats at local watering holes, some might be surprised that Lewis and his companions were decades out in front.
The Eagle and Child were "The Inklings" met. Photo by Ferrell Jenkins.

I am also impressed that Lewis did a series of B.B.C radio talks during the WWII which were improbably popular, given the rather heady theological reflection. They became the book Mere Christianity but only one of those radio broadcast recordings survived. He was effectively using the only social medium available in that day.

While I haven't revisited Lewis' work in many years, he did contribute to my spiritual awakening at a critical time in my life. Have any of you been influenced by C.S. Lewis? Have you read any of his books, or seen the films?


  1. Yes - I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity... loved them all.

  2. As a student majoring in English lit I remember having to struggle with his defiinition of allegory. But the movie "Shadowlands" one of my favourite dramas illustrated for me his increbdible compassion and devotion to humanity.

  3. Just picked up a booklet of Advent devotions by CS Lewis....I look forward to it. Am I allowed to await the season of awaiting.....

  4. Thanks for all your comments. Advent with CS Lewis. I like it. I really enjoyed Shadowlands as well. Weren't Debra Winger and Anthony Hopkins in that one? Movie night maybe?
