Friday, August 08, 2014

A Lifetime of Generosity

The summer tends to be a sleepy time in congregational life but a couple of eye-openers came my way this week. Two elderly members let us know of monetary gifts they are making for the mission and ministry of Bridge St. One has promised ten thousand dollars for the purchase of a new restaurant-grade gas range for the kitchen. Our Inn from the Cold and Thank God It's Friday meal ministries served more than 8,000 meals out of that kitchen in 2013. The ancient stove used for preparing those meals is incredibly slow and runs up a huge electricity bill, This is a wonderful gift.

The other gift has already arrived, $50,000 to be used in whatever way the congregation chooses. The combined ages of these two is roughly 175 years, and they both have health issues, but they are still passionate about the ministry of this expression of Christ's body. I have spent a fair amount of time with each of them and they have a deep faith which I have found uplifting.

In a little more than a year since I arrived at Bridge St. there have been about $100,000 in special financial gifts from elderly members who are still in the land of the living. These are over and above regular tithes and offerings. One substantial contribution made it possible to install visual display monitors in the sanctuary. Yes, there have been gifts for more traditional projects such as the organ restoration, and these have made a significant difference, but several have been for work which is less along conventional lines, or for the general wellbeing of the church.

Not everyone is able to do what they have done, and stewardship takes many forms. Every gift, every act of kindness, is a blessing gratefully received. It is important, it seems to me, to acknowledge the practical generosity of people. They have worked hard for what they are giving. They have often consulted with their adult children to let them know what they plan to do. They want to be faithful as Christian stewards and we are the better for it. And generosity begets generosity. Thank you!



  1. These lovely expressions of generosity also must be honoured. Anonymity can always be respected while the rest of us can always, with intention, express our gratitude and re-dedicate our own efforts.

  2. We are very blessed at BSUC to have a few very generous donors who give large amounts of money to sustain, continue and update our ministries. May we decide wisely on the use of these gifts.
