One of this blog's readers has enthusiatically encouraged our congregation to attend our annual Spring concert for all the years I have been here, setting the goal of filling the sanctuary. It took a while, but last night it happened with an appreciative audience of members and guests both downstairs and in the balcony.
Our fun-loving music director, Doug, seamlessly included music from both our choirs, soloists, our newer music group called Fish for Breakfast, and his son, Patrick, also an organist. Doug interjects jokes and humorous observations that delight the audience.
It's all enjoyable, but I really like the two choirs singing together. Last night there were 30 senior choir members and about 15 junior choir kids. There is a special energy when the two sing together, whether in worship or in concert. Choirs are something of an endangered species, with fewer people joining established choirs and many churches choosing other ways for musical leadership.
The children of several readers were at the front of the sanctuary last night, singing heartily and radiantly and it was wonderful to watch them and listen to them. I spoke to the two oldest girls, in that tween/teen age, complimenting them on their strong leadership for the younger children. In turn, the senior choir provides the solid base for some of the joint anthems. junior choir member was quite smug that she had learned the words for a shared piece while her senior choir dad had to use the music!
It's hard to imagine joyful faith without praise, and praise finds expression in song. Thanks to Doug and Allanah (our choir leaders) the choirs, and everyone else who took part.
I should add that the proceeds from the concert are used to pay our fees for Interchurch Health Ministries, the organization for Parish Nurses.