Tuesday, July 16, 2024

And the Flags are Raised Higher and Higher


When we away in Haida Gwaii on the West Coast of Canada our congregation, Trenton United, held a flag-raising. I wrote about the theft, for the third time, of the Every Child Matters and Pride flags on the building. It was disheartening for congregants who work diligently to make TUC a welcoming and inclusive community in Christ's name. 

The event, on a weekday, attracted approximately 80 people and included the mayor, other city officials, first responders, members of Quinte Pride, a representative from the Tyendinaga First Nation, area clergy (United Church) and members of the congregation. 

Who knows what misguided individuals have been behind these thefts, which are hate crimes in my estimation. Maybe they'll get the drift that the congregation is determined to maintain its witness to the community. I'm sure they would have been welcome to participate in the refreshments offered afterward. We were heartened to hear about this moment of solidarity even though we were thousands of kilometres away. 

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