Friday, April 03, 2009

What's a Trillion Bucks?

I'm old enough to still be impressed when the discussion involves a million dollars (actually, a thousand still catches my attention.) So when the talk turns to a billion I have trouble fathoming what that represents. And a trillion? Isn't that $1,000,000,000,000?

A trillion dollars was being discussed at the just concluded G-20 conference in London, Great Britain. In these chaotic financial times the twenty nations represented pledged a trillion-dollar package for economic stimulus in nations of the world which are even harder hit than the wealthier countries represented in London.

Since this is a recent announcement it's hard to know what this pledge means. Still, this is extremely important news because the citizens of many of the developing and truly have-not countries are challenged to find the minimum number of calories to sustain themselves each day. Extreme poverty leads to malnutrition and starvation and diseases which dramatically reduce the life expectancy. This isn't about comfort level. It is about survival.

Christian denominations and other religions continue to call for this sort of response to global poverty, and we can only hope and pray that the talk in London leads to action. Wealthier nations are notoriously adept at making promises that aren't kept, but the leadership of the United States and willingness of other nations to follow suit is encouraging.

Now if we can just get the Prime Minister to play well with others and show up for the class picture!


Laura said...

Having just finished The Book of Negroes(good advice by your bloggers) I was so appalled at the living conditions experienced by so many during that era but I do find it easy to forget that many on our earth today, still live in such fear,filth and hunger created by the modern bondage of poverty and ill-fated power. We've come along way...and then again we haven't.
Liv (5 yr old) is now asking when I will be done writing to my prime minister (you...minister? prime minister?..what's the difference really? )...perhaps you could be a stand in for Mr Harper's missed photo ops.

David Mundy said...

Please tell Olivia that if I am appointed prime minister (since I will never run for elected office) I PROMISE to always show up for the leader's photos.

You make an important point, Laura, that what we assume is a sad chapter in history is still happening in many parts of the world.