Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Touch Hands

Yes, I did use a reading some of you know as Touch Hands in our Christmas Eve services last night. My father, a United Church minister, used it before me, and I began using it while he was still in ministry and while he was retired. Our son Isaac, also a United Church minister, has begun using it as well. He is the one who discovered its origin, the final paragraph of a 19th century story which is about reconciliation.

The story focuses around a Christmas dinner, a vagabond, and the choice to forgive and forget. Over the years many people have asked for copies of these few lines which aren't  religious, at least not overtly and are rather 19th century in their sentimentality. They do speak to how transitory life is, and the importance of letting go that which might seem important but really isn't.

I hope that you reach out and touch the necessary hands today, physically and metaphorically. I pray that there will be opportunities to dispel ghosts and make amends and find forgiveness in your hearts. These are reflections of our faith in God incarnate, Jesus the infant and the man and the Risen Christ.

Celebrate the day folks, and invite Christ the vagabond to your table. Merry Christmas, and thanks for your faithful reading!


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