Monday, January 08, 2024

God Bless "Kids these days!"

 After a Saturday night snowfall the driving was a little iffy Sunday morning for our drive to worship in Trenton. Ruth was providing the communion bread and teaching Sunday School, so there was no question about making the trek. 

There were half a dozen younger kids, which was more than expected on an uncertain day, and her teen co-teacher, probably aged 15, showed up with his lesson prepared on his laptop, including the video. Ruth was impressed by his engagement. There were also two teens, sisters, in the choir. They are remarkably committed as well, even though they are so much younger than all the other choristers. When it came time for communion one of them helped a member who is unsteady on her pins to come forward for the elements. The other is a martial arts enthusiast who before Christmas deferred her qualification for the next level of achievement so she could be involved in the Christmas concert. 

Rev. Isaac used the imagery of the gardens we are anticipating even now in his sermon and encouraged us all to consider how we are co-gardeners within the life of the congregation. He reminded us all that we are ministers even though most of us aren't ordained and we may consider our contributions to be small. 

I spoke to all three of these young people yesterday because they have all found their ministry niche in the life of the Trenton United community of faith. While I certainly commend the parents as well, they are finding their way as people of Christian faith and they are an inspiration. The sometimes exasperated "kids these days" is an affirmation of their contributions. 

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