Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Your Attention Please!

I am one of those people who usually resolves not to make resolutions at the beginning of each new year. I made just one resolution for 2007 --to pay attention.

January 1 was an incredibly warm day so I headed out for a long walk at Second Marsh with my wife Ruth. A section of our amble took us along the Lake Ontario beach which is sand and pebbles and glass.

Not much glass, I'll admit. Just tiny pieces similar to the ones above, well polished by the actions of waves and the abrasive qualities of the natural materials around them. We always find them when we walk this shoreline but we have to pay careful attention. A glimmer next to a rock will reveal a little treasure. Sometimes turning around will allow the sunlight to illuminate a piece that was invisible going the other way.

An important aspect of the life in faith is giving attention to the little treasures of God's presence. The Buddhists speak of mindfulness, but it is not exclusive to their outlook. Jesus was remarkable attentive to the details, even as he invited the curious to consider the bigger picture of God's presence. He reminded us to consider the flowers of the fields and the birds of the air and the glass on the beach. Okay, I added the last bit.

Why bother? Because much of life's joy is in the bits and pieces. Much of faith is in the chance encounters and the passing conversations and the surprising moments of beauty.

Being Christian is the art of attention to grace in the little things as well as the big ones.

So I resolve to pay attention.

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