Friday, March 23, 2007

Setting Priorities

The bad news is that I missed three meetings this week. The good news is that I attended seven. Or maybe it is the other way around. Meetings tend to be the bane of clergy existence, especially for veterans. After a while there is a sameness to them. I had to set priorities this week and go to what I could. Several of the meetings were routine, while others were productive.

In addition I conducted a worship service in a senior's community, led a bible study, touched base with several parishioners, got ready for this Sunday, etcetera, etcetera. Am I whining? Maybe. Actually it hasn't been overwhelming, although it has been one of my busier weeks since coming to St. Paul's.

The challenge is setting priorities. What is necessary? What is less important in any given week than something else? Did I spend enough time in "idle chat" with God so I could be present to the folk I'm talking with and not looking at the clock? Will I have been contemplative enough to preach a message that has meaning instead of just filling the sermon slot?

It's always good to have a week like this to remind me that our parishioners must set priorities as well. Most of the meetings involved people who "made time" to do the work of Christ's church in the midst of their busy schedules.

I just realized I should finish by saying "thank you."

1 comment:

Adam Reiss said...

And thank YOU for taking time out of your busy schedule for meeting with us, and helping up see Christ's light. :)

If you had had a different attitude, or responded to my request in a different way... I wouldn't have found the loving family that is St. Pauls.

Thank you. :)