Friday, July 05, 2013

Healing Prayer?

This past week a Wisconsin couple had their conviction of homicide upheld for the death of their eleven year old daughter in 2008. Their child became quite ill but rather than seeking medical help they "treated" her with prayer. They are conservative Christians who believe in the power of prayer rather than medical science. As a result their daughter died of a treatable problem.

I'm glad that they have been convicted of a crime, because that's exactly what it is. I must admit that I am angry at the moment about family members of a dear friend who are in total denial about her serious cancer. They too figure God will make it all better, and rather than providing support, including accompaniment for chemo treatments, they are off somewhere praying up a storm.

The strange thing is, I pray for individuals all the time. We pray for our friend most days as we are about to eat supper, and we hope that God does give her remission, and even healing. When I was in Sudbury I was part of a regular and well-attended healing prayer service with a number of United Church colleagues in the city. We always prefaced the service with an explanation that we weren't there for miracle sures, although we were open to anything God might do. We were praying that each person would find comfort and strength and peace for the journey through illness. Those who attended found them meaningful, and a source of hope.

I believe in prayer, and and any other way God might be at work, including surgery and medicine and therapy.

What are your thoughts about this? And your experiences?


roger said...

I often have an internal battle about prayer. I want it to mean something, for my prayers to be heard, but I am frequently doubtful.

I continue to pray, but realize that I can't just sit passively by and let things unfold - believing God will arrange everything just fine.

Judy said...

I am with you on this one, David - pray for peace and strength and support through the journey, but get all the medical help you can !