Sunday, August 25, 2013

Swords into Ploughshares

God shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; 
they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; 
nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more
                                                                               Isaiah 2:4

Some of you will remember the organization Project Ploughshares, a peace movement in which many United Church of Canada members were very involved through the years.
Recently we came across a photo from years ago of a peace rally in Barrie, Ontario. I was involved and very young son Isaac too, riding on my shoulders. Isaac is now 31 and the shoulder ride is no longer an option. Ploughshares is still doing effective work but I just don't hear about the organization in the same way

I invite you to take a look at this video link which shows us a remarkable swords-into-plowshares project in the United States, initiated by The Simple Way and Shane Claiborne. Modern-day weapons are transformed into tools and musical instruments and sculpture. It is remarkable.

Were you ever involved or aware of Project Ploughshares through the years? What do you think of the video?


Judy said...

Love the video - it's a good start!

IanD said...


Laura said...

Truly just know the name Project Ploghshare. Their website shows great work and intention for peace. Their presentation is complex though, for the average person who wants to help beyond making a donation.

Shane's video I find quite his whole life seems to be. United Youth Church Youth had a chance to get to know him at Rendezvous Vous national gathering a couple of summers ago.....and as he inspires in this video, and talked with us that summer, and the way he lives his life, he affirms that the responsibility for change is ours, as individuals...we can't just carry on waiting for the whole solution before we do anything but that all of our "baby steps" matter everyday of our lives. Definitely something I need to hear...again and again. Thanks!