Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Romero, Unblocked

Some religious news items simply slide by without much attention, especially if they are positive. It would appear that the media have concluded that we would much rather hear about sectarian violence and abuses rather than anything uplifting.

I did find it uplifting that Pope Francis has "unblocked" the beatification of Oscar Romero, the Roman Catholic archbishop who was dramatically gunned down while celebrating the mass in El Salvador in 1980. Romero's theology and ministry had shifted over the years from a comfortable relationship with the ruling repressive powers of that nation to outspoken critic and advocate for the poor. Romero became fearless in this regard and paid for his commitment with his life.

Why would a martyr for the poor be blocked in the first place and why for so many years? Cardinal Ratzinger, who eventually became Pope Benedict,  launched a crackdown on liberation theology because of the supposed Marxist excesses. The liberation theology movement holds the view that Jesus' teachings compel Christians to work for social and economic justice. Apparently Jesus was a Marxist, and so was Romero.

I can't help but wonder whether this decision came about because Francis is a South American pope who advocated for the poor and dispossessed in his native Argentina. He gets liberation theology in a way that Benedict never could. Whatever the reason, I receive this as good news. If you are interested in a broader picture of Oscar Romero's life the 1989 film Romero is excellent.

Do you remember Romero's assassination? Did you see the film? Are you encouraged by Pope Francis' decision?

You have to look at the inspiring story of India's Forest Man at my Groundling blog!


Unknown said...

I had not known anything about this priest until our former minister, Dr. Bill Smith, told us about him in a study group, and from the pulpit - what annoys me is that these people are already saints, long before the "official" pronouncement by the RC church... ecclesiastical politics are so false and the ones NOT honoured by the "official" church are the ones who really carry the gospel to the world, often unknown to anyone !

Unknown said...

... and didn't Jesus say that we should do our good deeds in secret and the Father will honour them and the doers of the good deeds ? (I know, social justice issues cannot be dealt with in secret, but we really do not need the sanction of the church "heads" in order to know that Romero was a saint, who was following the way of Christ .