Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Time to Say Farewell

Image result for gretta vosper toronto star

As you will know from earlier blogs I'm quite sure the Rev. Gretta Vosper, a United Church minister, is a decent person who wants to care for her Westhill United flock and live as a compassionate, caring person. She just doesn't want to do so as a Christian, or a theist in any traditional sense. For that reason I have long been of the opinion that she should no longer be a United Church minister. I figure she should have the courage of her convictions, and venture out as the bold leader of a new movement that is freed from the fetters of the still Christian United Church of Canada.

While we were in Iceland I saw that what I'm sure was a thoughtful, prayerful committee from Toronto Conferernce decided Rev. Vosper should be reviewed and declared unfit for ministry because of her views. This wasn't an easy decision and as they put it “The way forward is costly in terms of emotional and spiritual energy. The way forward is costly in terms of time and finances for both Ms. Vosper and the church,” said an online statement issued by the committee.

I am relieved by this recommendation and hope the church has the courage to say goodbye in a way that is both fair and firm. Despite what Vosper claims, I don't believe that a large number of United Church clergy share her views, but if they do, they too should be brave enough to leave.

Where are you on this one? Do you agree with this recommendation, or is it draconian for our "big tent" United Church?

1 comment:

Judy said...

I agree with the recommendation and with you, David .... we have to insist that our spiritual leaders can declare a belief in God, or we are not "church". I am sure Great Vosper will be able to start a new spiritual movement and have followers who will support her.