Wednesday, June 03, 2020

21 Seconds, and Counting

Flipboard: Justin Trudeau's 21 seconds of silence on Trump's ...

In yesterday's COVID-19 update press conference Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau said nothing for just over the length of time we're all supposed to wash our hands, a whopping 21 seconds.We live in the age of sound bites, but we are no longer prepared for silence bites, and we often act as though silence "bites". The PM had been asked two  challenging questions which are summed up succinctly by columnist Don Martin:

Trudeau was asked for his reaction to U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat to use the military to suppress George Floyd protests while tear-gassing peaceful demonstrators near the White House so he could stage a Bible-holding photo-op outside a nearby church.What made the question particularly daunting was the second part of reporter Tom Parry’s question: “If you don’t want to comment, what message do you think you are sending?”

We've all learned that the faux president is a petulant and vindictive fool, so Trudeau stood and...what?...pondered?...had a brain freeze?...used the silence to speak volumes? When he did respond he was a tad evasive but he spoke in coherent sentences and offered an answer which was intelligible, which his American counterpart seems incapable of doing.

We underestimate the importance of silence, the "rests between the notes" of public discourse, of entertainment, news broadcasts, and, yes, worship.Contemporary "Worshipologists" tell us that we should avoid dead air in our services lest we lose our "audience." 

For many years I included a span of 30-45 seconds of silence in worship services which I would usher in and then conclude with a chime. Some people loved it and wished it was longer. Others were definitely not t fans of the quiet. In a meeting with two students for the ministry in one congregation both admitted they didn't like it at all. I suppose it was and is the closet Quaker in me that craves some time of quiet, however brief, when God might get a word in edgewise. 

I'm not partial to Prime Minister Trudeau's press conferences at the best of times because of the tone of his voice. I do applaud the 21 seconds of silence, although I'll do so quietly.



Judy said...

Being the leader of a minority government , and one who was castigated for a photo of himself in black face, he was probably trying to avoid more criticism, and realizing that whatever he said, or didn't say , he would be criticized....I think he was wise to take the 21 seconds and think hard about his answer - how many of us could answer so many questions on the spot, every day, knowing the pitfalls? I am sure he was thinking some pretty accurate and insultiing things about Trump, but is not at liberty to say them out loud, because he still has to work with the Jerk from the Oval Office.

roger said...

I for one really liked your 30 second quiet breaks during the service, David. It is a quick moment for contemplation.

That was interesting watching JT and the silence. I would find it next to impossible to not just let it all out in a press conference, going on a ten minute, one breath, tirade about Trump and his hourly examples of stupidity and arrogance. Luckily I'm not PM, as we'd soon find ourselves without a big trading partner.

Meanwhile, America is imploding, and Trump continues to think he's a really, really, fantastic guy.

I wonder if I should frequently use the 20 second pause before answering questions. Can you imagine how annoying that would be? I'll keep you posted.