Saturday, June 06, 2020

Hope for Hospice in Quinte

INQUINTE.CA | Hospice Quinte receives boost for building campaign
The two pandemics, COVID-19 and racism have been front and centre in the news of late, but we can stay awake and aware of other stories, including those which are local. 

I'm  gratified to see that plans for construction of a new residential hospice between Belleville and Trenton along the shore of the Bay of Quinte are proceeding and actually breaking ground could happen this summer. The fundraising goal is $9.5 million and so far about 60% of that total has been donated.

Both the words hospital and hospice come from the same root but the function today is usually very different. Hospitals are meant to provide medical and surgical care as quickly and effectively as possible. They are not designed for long-term care and in these days of sky-rocketing budgets the goal is usually to treat and release. Hospice has a different goal and this good ol' Wikipedia description is fairly accurate, although palliative care and hospice care are not the same: 

Hospice care is a type of health care that focuses on the palliation of a terminally ill patient's pain and symptoms and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs at the end of life. Hospice care prioritizes comfort and quality of life by reducing pain and suffering.

Hospitals and hospices began with medieval religious orders and of course there are many hospitals across Canada which had their roots in various Christian denominations, including the United Church. Hospices in our society tend to be secular and inclusive of those of various religions, or none. Just the same, many volunteers have personal faith convictions which motivate this essential compassionate work. We have a good friend who has been involved in hospice for years and was active in end-of-life support in the congregation which I served and where she was a member. 

Heart to Heart: Hospice Quinte Care Centre - Hospice Quinte's Podcast

Artist's Conception of the Hospice Quinte building 
I'm interested to see that Jennifer May Anderson is the Executive Director for Hospice Quinte. Jennifer was a candidate for ministry here in Belleville before life circumstances and perhaps the Holy Spirit led her in other directions. This is definitely spiritual work and I'm glad she's found a home for her talents. 

I received word earlier this week that a friend whose at whose wedding I presided 18 years ago died, in a a supportive hospice setting with his loving wife and daughter at his side. As saddened as I am by his death, I'm grateful that they had this experience at the end. 
Do you know anyone who has benefited from hospice support at the end of life? Have you been involved in some way? 

Discover more about Hospice Quinte here:


Jennifer May-Anderson said...


Hope you and yours are well. Funny that you say the Holy Spirit led me in a different direction. I use my training and education in ministry pretty much every day in this role, which surprised me initially. However sad I was to have to set aside my calling to ordained ministry, this is certainly also a vocation. Glad to connect virtually with you again.


David Mundy said...

Good to hear from you Jennifer. Christian vocation does take many forms and in our changing world traditional forms of ministry are perhaps a less likely option. It's great to know that you are fulfilled in this essential role.