Wednesday, April 06, 2022

The Golden Rule & the Pandemic


The Golden Rule 

 “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; 

for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12 

Yesterday was International Golden Rule day, which I didn't discover until late in the evening. I didn't lose any sleep over the lost opportunity to blog about it and, really, if we aren't practicing the rule every day then we haven't caught on to what it's about. 

Jesus included his version of the Golden Rule in the Sermon on the Mount and as a Jew speaking to Jews he acknowledged that this is part of their tradition. In fact, it is foundational in virtually every religion, as the poster above reminds us. I have a plaqued copy of this which  was on the wall of my study for many years. 

As blase as we might become about the Golden Rule it's application is still vital to how we live with others. Earlier this year insurrectionists invaded our nation's capital with bizarre notions about freedom and held the city core hostage. Even though they were eventually removed they are still rumbling around in pickup trucks with the Canadian flag prominently displayed, along with belligerent and profane signs.  Sadly, many self-described "freedom fighters" have no tolerance for diversity, including other religions. 

It appears that we are heading into another wave of COVID infection and for reasons I can't fathom our provincial government has abdicated responsibility for even the simplest measures to insure general public safety. What about the immuno-compromised and elderly who are not comfortable in public spaces now because anything goes? What about our children and teachers in schools? I may suspend my gym membership because people are showing up whom I haven't seen before, without masks, and who seem to have no regard for those who are wearing them. 

The Golden Rule is as important now as ever, and it really is universal.  I'm on the bus with Jesus on this one, and maybe I'll rummage around for the poster. 

Yesterday was International Golden Rule Day. Is this a good time to affirm the Green Rule as well? My Groundling blog today

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