Friday, September 22, 2023

The Greenbelt & the Apology

                                                                   from The Narwhal

1 Touch the earth lightly, use the earth gently,

nourish the life of the world in our care:

gift of great wonder, ours to surrender,

trust for the children tomorrow will bear.

2 We who endanger, who create hunger,

agents of death for all creatures that live,

we who would foster clouds of disaster,

God of our planet, forestall and forgive!

Voices United 307

“I made a promise to you that I wouldn’t touch the Greenbelt. I broke that promise. And for that I am very, very sorry...“It was a wrong decision. We’re putting this land back in the Greenbelt.”

Premier Doug Ford September 21, 2023

 Over the course of 30 hours we left the relative solitude of Change Islands, Newfoundland (population 150), flew out of Gander, and arrived in Toronto, fourth largest city in North America, just around rush hour yesterday. From the caribou caution sign on the road to the ferry to the multi-lanes of the 407, just like that.

On our way back to Belleville we heard the somewhat surprising news that the Ontario government had reversed course on its wretched decision to open up Greenbelt land in the south of the province, supposedly to expedite building much needed housing. Not only did municipalities insist that this wasn't necessary, it was a direct contradiction of an election promise by Premier Doug Ford to maintain the boundaries of the Greenbelt. Both the provincial auditor general and the integrity comissioner produced scathing reports about the flipflop and the sketchy deals to make this land available to developers. 

The result was that two cabinet ministers and two parliamentary assistants resigned because of the opaque "process", although Ford insisted that the decision was final. And then it wasn't.

While the premier looked contrite as he made his apology, so does just about everyone caught with a hand in the cookie jar. This is damage control as polls show that the majority of Ontarians feel that what has transpired is crooked and the government's popularity has plummeted. Let's remember that at one point Ford called the Greenbelt a "scam." 

All those who maintained the pressure and participated in rallies should be heartened by this outcome, including communities of faith which joined the cause. As you may have read in this blog, our Trenton United Church congregation made lawn signs available which decried the decision of the Ford government. 

There needs to be further accountability and we need to remember that this government has gutted support for conservation authorities. It also plans to build a major highway through prime farmland much of which has been purchased by developers. 

I've taken down our lawn sign but I'm not done yet. As Groundlings who honour the Creator we must be vigilant. 

3 Let there be greening, birth from the burning,

water that blesses and air that is sweet,

health in God's garden, hope in God's children,

regeneration that peace will complete.

4 God of all living, God of all loving,

God of the seedling, the snow and the sun,

teach us, deflect us, Christ reconnect us,

using us gently and making us one.

Voices United 307

                                                                            from The Narwhal 


Judy said...

We will have to remain vigilant - this government is NOT "for the People"... unless you are rich people...

David Mundy said...

Agreed Judy.