Thursday, May 16, 2024

A United Church Prayer for the Wildfire Situation in Canada



Wildfires have intruded on our lives,
leaving us vulnerable, exposed, open:
We come to you, broken, seeking wholeness.

In our time of need, forgive us for those things that we have done, 
   those things that we have left undone,
   that harm your good creation

[time of silence]

In our time of need provide for us those things that will bring restoration to all of creation, 
   the gifts of the spirit
   and the gift of each other.

Above all, remind us always of your steadfast and abiding love.


The United Church of Canada has shared this pastoral response to the growing threat of wildfiresin Western Canada. Thousands have been required in several provinces and territories and for some this isn't the first time.This must be a recurring nightmare for those who lost homes last year or in 2016, the year of the conflagration that roared into Fort McMurray in Alberta. As is often the case, a number of First Nations have been hard hit by fires and evacuation orders. 

The request for forgiveness is an interesting aspect of the prayer. We could argue that the actions of the current Alberta government are unforgivable because of the steadfast denial of the climate emergency. During the past few years the budget to address wildfires was decreased by $30 million and while it was increased this year it is far from the level or five years ago. At the same time Alberta is dealing with a persistent drought, drying out forests across the province and threatening agricultural yields. 

The prayer is a meaningful response to a crisis but it might have included a request for restoration of sight to those blind to what is unfolding around them, affecting the lives of so many. 

We can be grateful that conditions have improved in the past couple of days. We do need to address the restoration of all Creation and to show respect for the Creator. 

1 comment:

Judy said...

Amen, David.