Wednesday, May 01, 2024

The Creator & the Hope of Spring

1 The spring has come, let all the church be part of it!

The world has changed, and God is at the heart of it!

New light, new day, new colour after winter grey.

New light, new day,

the spring has come, let all the church be part of it!

Voices United 187

A couple of days ago I saw an enthusiastic "bird nerd" report of the first Rose-breasted Grosbeak at one of the banding centres here in Ontario. I wondered is and when we would see these remarkable birds at our feeders (we usually do) and, lo and behold, not one but two males showed up this morning, a first for us.  

We have been roaming around on foot, on bicycles, and in our canoe of late, steeping ourselves in the emerging sights and sounds and even smells of Spring. This is such a hopeful time of the year in Canada, especially since the climate emergency has taken away Winter and replaced it with the Dreary season. 

We've listened to the great choruses of peepers and other frogs. We have exulted in the sight of trilliums and Dutchman's breeches and trout lilies, all wildflowers that tend to be with us briefly, "ephemerals" as they are termed. 

2 The sun is warm, let all God's children play in it!

The world expands, let's spread the Gospel way in it!

New leaf, new thrust, new greening for the love of Christ.

New leaf, new thrust,

the sun is warm, let all God's children play in it!

On a solo cycle along our Bay of Quinte I caught sight of two snappling turtles canoodling. I hadn't realized that there were two until I posted to our family chat and a family member pointed out that I had inadvertently created turtle porn. 

When I was at a Conservation Area last week I came upon a group of excited school kids who told me, a total stranger, all they creatures they had seen. We had the bond of the astonishing gift of Creation. 

I do hope you're able to stop, look and listen during these precious weeks and give thanks to the Creator. 

3 The spring has come, new people are the flowers of it.

Through wind and rain, new life is in the showers of it.

New bud, new shoot, new hope will bear the Spirit's fruit.

New bud, new shoot,

the spring has come, new people are the flowers of it!


roger said...

I never get tired of seeing wildlife, no matter what the creature(okay, perhaps squirrels are an exception). Even having fishers on our property is exciting, and the huge structure they built in the woods on our property is very impressive.

I'm always very cautious when mowing our lawn, as I'm constantly dodging toads and snakes. I love those guys!

Oh, and on an unrelated topic....GO LEAFS GO!

David Mundy said...

I hope your "fisher-cams" are offering up interesting glimpses Roger. This is downright biblical given that Jesus chose fishers as disciples. I'm highly suspicious of a Habs fan cheering on the Leafs, but I appreciate the sentiment.