Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An Impressive Group!

I was very impressed by the St. Pauls congregation this past Sunday. There was good attendance at worship, which isn't always the case in summer, and at least half of those in attendance - just over 70 people - stayed for a congregational meeting. I mentioned to a colleague in another presbytery that we were having this meeting and she was rather dubious. In her role she finds that many congregations don't want to meet at any time, because it just means more work for those who are already hard-pressed. Did I really think folk would show up? Well, it wasn't as many as those who might attend during the rest of the year, but there they were.

After a thorough presentation by the chairperson of our Ministry and Personnel committee we decided to contract with two people to address pastoral care and youth work. They will addresse these facet of congregational life while we find our way through a Joint Needs Assessment to discern where we will go in ministry. Beth, our former parish nurse and Laura, an involved lay person, will fill these roles. I am delighted that they agreed. Both bring strong gifts and skills and I know the congregation is pleased as well.

Then we formed the JNAC and we quickly had ten members, to the surprise of the presbytery pastoral relations chairperson. She wished her work was always that easy. The ten include two teens, four long-timers, and four parents of children and youth. It is an excellent group, diverse and representative.We ended up calling for a "show of hands" a total of six times, and all our motions passed.

I hope we are all grateful for this level of interest and commitment. Any thoughts?


Laurie said...

That is wonderful. I have been on a JNAC group. Lots of work but very rewarding. Thanks to Laura and Beth for taking on extra work.

Nancy said...

Although not in attendance, I did hear the reports from my spouse who was in attendance, and I am impressed with those who stepped up to the plate. Thank you to all for coming forward. It is now our job to support these people. Thanks.

roger said...

Hey, I'm always glad when meetings don't end up like a bad day at the Korean legislature. No heckling, no furniture being thrown, everyone seemed quite happy.

Laura said...

I was deeply moved by the generosity and commitment of those that came forward for our JNAC Committee, especially since we are only 3 years out since our last one. A rich variety of faithful folks...we are in good hands.

David Mundy said...

Thanks for your comments folks. I agree that this work can be rewarding.

It was moving to see the willingness of folk to serve, and I'm sure others would have responded, if asked.

You made me laugh out loud Johnny. I have seen some of those brawls in the Korean legislature, and I have chaired church meetings in my earlier days that weren't far off!