Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Uganda & Anti-LGBTQ2S+ Legislation

Did you see or hear the news last week about new legislation in the African nation of Uganda which criminalizes LGBTQ2S+ persons simply for identifying as such? In was unnerving to see members of the Ugandan parliament nearly unanimously standing and cheering when the bill which includes the possibility of the death penalty in some circumstances was passed. The law, officially called the Anti-Homosexuality Act, is believed to be the most severe ever introduced in an African country

What I find even more chilling is that this bill is supported by church leaders in Uganda, including some from the Anglican communion. And we know that there has been a concerted effort for years by some evangelicals from the United States to introduce these repressive laws, as well as by Russia. 

Yesterday, US Vice-President Kamala Harris was in another African nation, Ghana, where she discussed human rights, including rights for LGBQ2S+ persons. She is well aware of current proposed legislation before the Ghanaian parliament called the "Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Value" -- a bill that would imprison those that identify as LGBTQ2S+ and criminalizes advocacy for LGBTQ rights.

This is all a reminder of the terrible stigmas and misinformation which still exists in our world. When we were sponsoring additional Syrian refugees back in 2016 I suggested to our group that we consider LGBTQ persons but we opted for family reunification, certainly a good choice. Still, nations such as Canada and the United States need to voice opposition to such legislation and provide safe havens for those fleeing persecution. 


kb said...

The standing up and cheering and the assumed righteousness of their actions on the part of the legislators just makes me feel so profoundly sad. KB

Judy said...

This is sad, and frightening, on so many levels.

David Mundy said...

Agreed and agreed. In the end, his is driven by fear and hatred. Thanks Kathy and Judy.