Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Laughing & Crying about the Evangenitals


Evangenitals: Fundamentalist Christians who are constantly interested in what's in someone else's pants

I saw a brief video testimony by a Black, female, physician who spoke passionately and eloquently about an abortion law passed in her US community by a panel of white, male, non-medical legislators. She insisted that this would cause untold harm and was not science-based.

While she said nothing about religion we know that conservative Christian groups across America are pushing law-makers backward by half a century when it comes to reproductive rights. Some of the legislators and justices are evangelicals who have no sense of separating church and state. The irony is that many of these decision-makers decry Islamic Sharia law, yet their decisions are based on a particular religious outlook.

I mentioned not long ago that this trend is seeping north of the border into Canada, at least in online discussions, and God knows what will happen as provincial and federal governments are leaning to the right. We don't have a federal abortion law in Canada, so even though there is reasonable access now, what will happen down the road?

As I've said along the way, I'm not ideologically pro-abortion, but I do strongly support the freedom for women to choose what happens with their bodies.

This is such a serious subject, so I laughed out loud when I saw the clever play on words with the term "evangenitals" and the accompanying definition. It is a hypocritical obsession for some Christians and has been for decades. I suppose we need to laugh at times, otherwise we would cry.

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