Monday, June 24, 2024

Let Your Pride Fly Free


                                                                     Trenton United Church

Do you remember my blog entry about the theft of the Pride flag at Trenton United Church last November. The congregation gathered outside following worship a short time later and a new one was put in place, this time a little higher. Well, the flag was removed again, the third time, and plans are underway to put a new one in a more secure spot.

Why are people so mean-spirited? Why are some of them Christians? A lovely new couple to Trenton and the congregation ended up in conversation with a local resident who asked what church they were attending. When they said TUC the person responded "they have the gay flag, you don't want to go there!" They assured the person they did because of the support for the LGBTQ2S+ community and they have gotten involved with the inclusion team. 

I wondered if the Pride Parade in Belleville was smaller this year and whether it's because some people are more concerned about safety. We've heard about heckling and aggression at some parades, even here in Canada, while across the border the anti-LGBTQ backlash grows with hundreds of laws proposing restrictions. The frenzy of falsehoods and hysteria is bizarre. It saddens me and angers me and in no way reflects the gospel of love and acceptance Jesus came to offer to the world. 

On the positive side, the Roman Catholic school our Trenton grandkids attend was represented in the parade and the tee-shirts they wore had a logo created by our granddaughter. I am so impressed by the atmosphere of inclusion at the school. And once again Trenton United had a booth at Pride in the Park. 

As Pride Month draws to a close lets pray for kindness and acceptance for the LGBTQ2S+ community. 


Judy said...

It is a sad statement on our society, when so much is known about sexual preferences, gender identity issues, etc., that some of our population still think it is okay to harass, exclude and bully those who do not fit neatly into their ideas of what is acceptable. So many members of the LGBTQ community have exhibited such amazing talents and gifts, and given so much to society... shame on us for shaming and hurting them.

David Mundy said...

The happy news, Judy, is that there was another public flag-raising with a good-sized crowd on hand. The mayor and other dignitaries came, police reps and someone from Tyendinaga. Quinte Pride provided the new flag. TUC isn't giving up!