Sunday, June 02, 2024

Pride Sunday in the United Church

This is the first Sunday of Pride Month and many United Churches, including our home congregation, Trenton United, will acknowledge and celebrate not only this month but the acceptance of all by the Living Christ. I've written a lot on this subject over time so I'll just share the transcript of the video message offered by our United Church Moderator,  the Right Rev. Carmen Lansdowne: 

Moderator’s Pride Message 2024

As we approach Pride season, we look forward to gathering—whether it be in worship services, picnics, or marches—to boldly celebrate the lives and contributions of 2SLGBTQIA+ people. It is a time of joy and of seeking justice, where tolerance is never enough. Our call is to fiercely celebrate the great diversity that God loved into being, and to centre the lived experience of those made marginal by cis-gendered hetero-normativity.

This year that celebration is more important than ever. Across the globe—but also here at home—homophobia and transphobia are on the rise. 2SLGBTQIA+ people and communities are feeling and experiencing heightened risk. This makes our celebrations prophetic acts of resistance. They show solidarity with advocates and organizations—in Canada and around the world—who are bravely seeking rainbow equality and a more equal future for all.

I want to thank The United Church of Canada for showing your colours this Pride, in celebration and resistance. May we be deep, bold, and daring in our rainbow witness everywhere.

                                                              Trenton United Church Pride Flag

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