On Friday I was driving back from the hospital in Oshawa along King St. in Courtice. I noticed a number of vehicles in the parking lot of a small church on the north side of the highway. I wondered what would be drawing that many people to a church on a Friday afternoon. Then I saw the sign for the Clarington Islamic Centre. Of course, they were there for Friday prayers and this is the holy period known as Ramadan. What was a church is now a place for Muslim worship.
I wondered how long this building had been an Islamic centre until I checked their website. http://www.islamiccentreofclarington.org/ It says that it opened this month and is located in "downtown Courtice." I have been looking for a downtown in Courtice for years!
This centre is a sign of changing times. I have no idea what church that had been, but it is gone from that site. Now the followers of Islam in Courtice, Bowmanville, Orono, and surrounding hamlets (that's what the website says) are gathering in this place.
When the Islamic school set up in the old POW camp outside Bowmanville I went to introduce myself, twice. I suggested to our ministerial that we write a letter of welcome to the community but that didn't go over all that well. I must admit that I didn't get the warmest welcome at the school either, but I had to make the overture. The school is long gone, but I won't be surprised if the centre survives.
How do you feel about its existence in Clarington? Live and let live, or keep a watchful eye? Should we reach out?
We should welcome them and wish them luck in their new building.
I did the same "look-back" as I have passed by that building in recent weeks. It caught my attention and had me thinking about our changing world. Like Laurie, I wish them well.
Interesting that your "reaching out" wasn't reciprocated at the school but then again we've reached out to those much more similar to us than this new congregation to no response. Too bad there couldn't be more local religious teamwork of all stripes.
I know there's alot of press linking followers of Islam to terrorism, but don't forget who bombed the federal building on Oklahoma city.
We can't judge people by the church they go to. People are people and I welcome them.
I appreciate the encouragement in each of your responses. This week I will stop by to say hello and offer a welcome.
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