Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Celtic Revival?

Well, I finally capitulated to my cold. Wild sneezing this morning convinced me I would be a danger to human or beast, so stayed home. Of course my brain keeps chugging away and I pondered missing the opportunity to reflect on St. Patrick and Celtic Christianity.

Remember how popular all things Celtic were during a decade beginning roughly a decade ago? I recall driving from Sudbury to Toronto with teen son Isaac to hear |Herbert O.Driscoll speak eloquently about the unique expression of Christianity in ancient Ireland the land of his birth and upbringing. It was fascinating to think that 1500 years ago there was a flowering of faith l, the dark ages of Rome. The story goes that Patrick adapted to the Druidic tradition so that Celtic Christianity was non-hierarchical, woman-honouring, earth-honouring, contemplative. Still it was trintitarian and bibilical,  From my standpoint  what was not to like?

In several congregation I poured hours and hours into preparing study groups about Celtic Christianity. In Halifax we had the creators of the Celtic Mass from the Sea attend a session, then we heard it performed in the city.

I'm not sure why I let this fade from my consciousness over time because I still hold these values in my Christian faith..Perhaps we placed too much weight on the shoulders of Brigid and Partick and others. Maybe its time to revive them.

What do you think?  Are you aware of the Celtic stream of Christian faith? Would you like to learn more? Why did the enthusiasm fade in Christian circles?


Frank said...

Time for a Celtic revival!

Let's examine and compare the traditions pre- and post- Whitby (ie. Synod of Whitby where Celtic institutions were absorbed by Rome).

Unknown said...

I like Frank's idea... can we add some Celtic music to the study?