Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mutual Understanding and Respect

This week a young man whose religious upbringing was Hindu but converted to Islam was convicted of terrorism in an Ontario court. He and roughly a dozen others plotted, rather ineptly, to blow up several key sites, and behead the Prime Minister. It's unlikely that this Keystone Cops bunch could have delivered on their plans but that doesn't matter. The intent was terrorism and the accused who knew what they were doing deserve to be punished.

This doesn't mean that all Muslims are terrorists or should be viewed with suspicion. It is deeply disturbing that a segment of Islam has adopted such violent precepts but we need to remember that this is a small minority of those who are Muslims in this country and elsewhere.

Maclean's magazine has an article in the latest issue on the efforts of moderate Muslims in Britain to expose the plots of their militant brethren in the country. Terrorism in the name of Allah is evil, but most Muslims agree with this and want to live peacefully.

In the times when I am tempted to drift toward false characterizations of other religions I need to remember that virtually every religion, including Christianity, has its extremists who promote hatred under the guise of commitment to God. There are times when I have been ashamed of what is done in the name of Jesus.
While vigilance against terrorism and other forms of religious violence is necessary, so is mutual understanding and respect.

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