Saturday, February 09, 2013

Amazing Grace

Left: Margaret Kachadoorian and her only surviving child, Nora, in Glendale, California. Margaret

A Christian Century nugget led me to a New Yorker piece from last October. That's the internet fer ya!

The article was about an American marine named Lu Lobello who returned from Iraq haunted by an incident in which he and other soldiers shot up a suspicious car. It turned out that the occupants were innocent but all the men died. Only a mother and daughter survived.

Lobello had no peace and slept with weapons as though they were a girlfriend, as he puts it. He eventually researched what happened to the Kachadoorin family and discovered that mother and daughter had emigrated to his state of California and lived nearby.

As painful as it was to do so he arranged to meet them. The two are Arminian Christians and they forgave him and welcomed him as a son and brother. Amazing Christian grace.

As powerful as this story is, I wonder if I could find it in my heart to do what they did. What about you? Are there limits on your forgiveness? Should there be?

1 comment:

IanD said...

What an extraordinary story.