Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hide and Seek

On Sunday morning I left my study before worship to attend to something elsewhere in the building. When I returned I found someone hiding behind the door!

Fortunately it was an eight-year-old girl who was in the midst of a game of hide-and-seek with other members of the junior choir. This group of eighteen kids must occupy themselves for half an hour after their practice ends and the service begins. I have noticed that they are quite inventive.

What struck me on Sunday was that the girl behind my door didn't look embarrassed or apologetic. She simply touched her finger to her lips to "shush" me, figuring I would be part of the playful conspiracy. Not only did I accept my role, I was pleased to be included.

A lot is made of the importance of children in our midst, and a fair amount of fretting takes place about their conspicuous absence in many congregations. I am thrilled that I have something more that a passing relationship with some of our children. As my graying beard becomes even grayer I don't want to lose sight of what these kids have to offer us. They can't be hidden or marginalized or patronized in our life together.

In worship we baptized three babies in Christ's name and made the commitment to nurture them in faith. What a privilege. In the years ahead we must make sure that they are not hidden in plain sight.

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