Monday, August 29, 2011

Rocky Mountain High...lands

We're off to the state of Colorado where I will be participating in a conference called God’s Earth: Too Big to Fail? An Eco-Justice Conversation Among Faith, Science & Culture. I decided on this conference because two of the presenters are people whose work I admire.

It doesn't hurt that the Highlands Presbyterian Conference Centre is in the Rocky Mountains. Even though it is at 8500 feet above sea level ( roughly 2 1/2 kilometres) I have actually seen it from above while hiking toward a nearby peak with a group of people a few years ago.

The conference and retreat centre I have visited in New Mexico called Ghost Ranch is also Presbyterian, in background although they now run independently. Unfortunately the size of our country and smaller population means creating and maintaining similar centres is very difficult. At the events I have attended I am the token Canuck. I'm glad that Ruth will travel with me this time.

I will report back!

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