What we call Good Friday is actually the darkest day in the Christian year, the occasion on which we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. As solemn as this day is, there is also encouraging news from the congregations of Church St. Yesterday St. Andrew's Presbyterian confirmed that they will join Trinity and St. Paul's United Churches in a service to be held at Trinity at 10:30 am. This was to be the first year the two United congregations came together for Good Friday. It is even better that we will be three rather than two combined congregations.
The Good Friday service is generally well attended at St. Paul's but I'm really pleased that we could see beyond our congregational boundaries to worship together. These ecumenical services send an important message to the broader community about a greater commitment in our witness to Christ.
Does anyone else consider this to be good news? What held us back before?
This started my at on a very good note. It is a good news day for sure. Thanks for sharing David.
Sorry. Not sure how to edit my message. Should read. "this started my day on a very good note". But you all probably figured that out.
Notes to self. Don't blog while in bed and preview before hitting send!!!
Great news, I believe.
Not sure what has stopped us from doing this in the past...busy-ness, status quo pretty good, fear....doesn't matter now....just good news!
I was out for a walk at sunset this past weekend, and I was struck by the image of all three of these churches within swinging distance of one another as I reached the intersection of Church and Division. There is, quite simply, a ton of church on Church Street.
When what was once born of difference can come together for a higher cause, I'd say it's good news for all involved (and not just for the participants.)
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