Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Righteousness and Evil at the UN

Image result for trump un speech

US president Donald Trump is consistent. He consistently demonstrates his incompetence and lack of fitness to govern his own nation and to act as a statesman in the international arena. Today he addressed the United Nations, an institution he has mocked in the past, and threatened to annihilate millions of innocent people. He was addressing the grave threat posed by Kim Jong Un and the North Korean regime, which now has the capability of deploying nuclear weapons. Yet rather that than taking the reasonable route of inviting an international response to the Korean dictator he promised to destroy 25 million people should weapons of mass destruction be used. With one hyperbolic sentence Trump proved he is no more to be trusted than unstable Kim.

Trump's speechwriter also put these words in the president's mouth "If the righteous many don’t confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph." This will undoubtedly play well with the religious right in America, the angry white folk who pay lip service to Jesus while adoring Trump's belligerence, xenophobia, and "us first" nationalism.

Of course, there is evil in this world, and as Christians we are expected to be discerning about the principalities and powers. But making brash statements claiming righteousness while threatening to unleash nuclear hell doesn't convince me of anything, other than that the president is a dangerous man.

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