One of the films we saw and appreciated this past year was the unheralded Disobedience starring Rachel Weiss and Rachel McAdams, two fine actors. The plotline is described this way:
A woman returns to her Orthodox Jewish community that shunned her for her attraction to a female childhood friend. Once back, their passions reignite as they explore the boundaries of faith and sexuality.
This is both accurate and incomplete, in my estimation. Ronit, the Weiss character, returns because of the death of her Orthodox Jewish father, from whom she was alienated. While the elicit relationship is central, as the poster suggests, the story is also about the freedom of women to choose the trajectory of their lives, and what it means to be orphaned from one's faith tradition for any number of reasons. This is the reality for LGBTQ persons but also for those who question norms and mores in communities such as the inerrancy of scripture.

I can say from experience as a pastor that individuals often yearn to reconnect but feel that acceptance isn't possible, sometimes from those they have known for a lifetime and sometimes from God. I've talked with those who've done prison time or lived with addictions who doubt that they would be welcomed back into congregations as well.
This is a good film, worth watching if you get the opportunity. Netflix beckons!