Friday, April 19, 2019

Good Friday and Best Laid Plans

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 Best laid plans. Our minister, son Isaac, asked if I would preside at this year's Good Friday service and do so outside. Easter Monday is Earth Day, so why not have a service in which we contemplate the great mystery of the crucifixion near the water, in this instance the Bay of Quinte. Well, as I say, best laid plans, For ten days the forecast has been for heavy rainfall during this day and when we realized yesterday that nothing had changed we decided to come inside. Why is it that forecasts are so often incorrect when they promise sunshine? 

This morning we will recall in scripture and reflection the Passover full moon which was visible over Jerusalem two thousand years ago, aware that tonight is the full moon which sets the date for Easter.

We will consider the gospel claim that the sky turned dark as Jesus' body hung on the cross, as though Creation itself was mourning.

And we will will hold out the hope that even though creation groans, as in childbirth (Romans) God loves the world and so came to us in Jesus, the Christ. 

Sure, it would have been better to walk to the water's edge and have the birds of Spring proclaim that hope without words, but we can experience God's saving love as a community of Christ's followers.

Join us!


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