Tiananmen Square 1989
Yesterday thousands of residents of Hong Kong defied a ban on gathering to remember the anniversary of Tiananmen Square. It was 31 years ago that Chinese citizens, mostly young, gathered in public places, including this large plaza, to protest against the oppressive regime. China is supposedly a communist nation but is has been a dictatorship for decades. People around the world were in solidarity with the protesters back then but within six weeks martial law was declared, tanks were brought in. Thousands died and many more simply disappeard.
The Hong Kong gathering last night was both a memorial and a protest against Chinese rule of what is supposed to be an semi-autonomous state. There have been marches for months in response to new laws restricting the freedoms of Hong Kong residents, at least one of which drew a million people. Most of these protests have been peaceful, and churches have been involved in supporting non-violent action. There have been some, though, where force has been used, including teargas.
These Chinese and Hong King protests, past and present, seem eerily familiar as we witness what is happening south of the border these days. People have gathered across the United States in response to the murder by police of a Black man,George Floyd, in Minneapolis. While some of these rallies have resulted in destruction and looting Floyd's family has encouraged peaceful protest.
![No Spoilers] Photo by @MarthaRaddatz from lincoln Memorial gives ...](https://preview.redd.it/jokew4r7ml251.jpg?auto=webp&s=8891bd5822b97778a5c23e7c2aa82b17a2beac2f)
Lincoln Memorial this week
The response by authorities and police has been heart-warming in some places but deeply disturbing in others. Militarized police, the National Guard, and the military itself have been deployed as though the United States is a fascist regime which stifles freedom of assembly and speech with impunity. We have seen the videos of participants gassed and beaten, children and the elderly intimidated and injured. It is disgusting.

Decent Police & Guardsmen taking a knee in solidarity with protesters in Philadelphia
It's heartening that some military leaders have pushed back against the deployment of troops against their own citizens And many religious leaders have joined peaceful protests but some have sided with the Emperor Trump and his authoritarian minions. Sadly, there are always false prophets and worshippers of power who align themselves with dictators and tyrants. We read about it in the bible, some Christians aligned themselves with Mussolini and Hitler, and it is happening today.
It's well past time for regime change in America and, God willing, it will happen democratically in November.
Here is my Groundling blog reflection on UN World Environment Day

The Handmaid's Tale
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